Four Needs explains why people think, feel, believe, and do what they do. It is a biologically based psychological theory of human wholeness empowering people to clarify and satisfy driving needs.
Physiological sustenance:Nutritive food, clean water and air.
Protection: clothing, shelter, and defense (skills, tools, and tactics.
Movement: activity and dimensional interaction with environment.
Procreation is needed to sustain the species.
Voluntary physical movement, digestion, sexual function, physical growth, development, and renewal

Needs: Perception and expression of internal sensory experience
To give and receive love and approval.
Belong and contribute to groups to cooperatively meet all needs.
Functions: Bonding, classifying/sorting, non-verbal perception, social modeling, mimicry. Organization and integration of all other needs.
Needs: Find meaning through internal and external sensory experience.
Form and define concepts of self.
Hope, imagine, believe, create.
Functions: Form and respond to idealizations.
Planning, setting goals.
Symbolic communication, including art and written language.

Needs: Perceive, process, organized, and regulate, external sensory experience.
Make decisions and draw conclusions based on perceptions and experience
Learn and communicate perceptions.
Functions: Logic, memory, causality, verbal language, sensory processing, analysis